Friday, January 11, 2008

Rich's Godfather Spaghetti Marinara Mushroom Sauce

My hubby Rich loves to cook and this is his homemade Spaghetti Sauce. As you can probably tell he typed up the recipe.

Godfather Spaghetti Marinara/Mushroom Sauce
Rich Beishline

Here’s a recipe offer you can’t refuse!

2 tablespoon olive oil
1 small can diced mushrooms (can use 1 cup fresh if desired)
1 small onion chopped finely
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
1 table spoon Italian seasoning
2 large cans Tomato Paste
3/4 cup red wine (Reunitee Lambrusco) (Optional for Baptists)
2 tablespoons sugar
2 large cans Tomato Sauce
1 large can diced Tomatoes

Heat oil in large frying pan (DO NOT BURN OIL). Add 1 small can diced
Mushrooms, small onion chopped finely, Italian seasoning. Sauté mixture
until onions cook soft. Add tomato paste, salt, pepper, and wine. Sauté until mixture cooks down to thick paste. Transfer to 4 quart pan and stir in
tomato sauce, sugar and diced tomatoes. Simmer (DO NOT BOIL) over
low heat for ½ hour. Yields 8 servings.

Play Italian Opera and serve with your favorite style of pasta.

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