Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dave’s unnamed italian chicken recipe:

3-4 chicken breasts, cut into strips 1x2 inches, coat with mixture of flour, paprika, and garlic salt
Cook 1/3 lb bacon until crisp...set aside
in remaining fat, add 1-3 tlbs butter, cook coated chicken until slightly crisp on both sides (cooked all the way through)
remove from pan and add 6 tbls butter, 2 tbls flour and mix together thoroughly, scraping the bottom of the pan to loosen bacon and chicken bits
whisk in 1 1/4 cups heavy cream, then whisk in 3/4 cup white cooking wine and 1/4 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice (or you could use 1 cup white cooking wine that has lemon already in it), and add salt and pepper to taste
when thickened, add chicken, bacon, and any combination of the following ingredients: fresh or sundried tomatoes, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, capers, pine nuts
serve over bow-tie or angel hair pasta

(Steph here - I remind you that I just copy and pasted. I will leave it up to Shelley if she wants to change the format!)

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